ID#: 6015 Oct 24 : Claremont : Dignity & Healthcare at End-of-Life

Bayan Claremont & University of Chicago - Abrahamic bioethics symposium / CME
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1325 N. College Ave., Claremont, CA, 91711
Saturday, October 24, 2015
05/27/2015 07:47 AM
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Abrahamic Faiths in a Bioethics Conversation
October 24, 2015
The event is being co-organized by Bayan Claremont Islamic Graduate School, the University of Chicago Program on Medicine and Religion, and the Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue (DICID). These institutions have partnered to advance a collective conversation involving scholarly presentations and insights from medical, religious and legal experts.
You will gain contemporary understandings on topics such as theological and philosophical conceptions of dignity, ethico-legal considerations of various end-of-life practices, and new frontiers at the borders of life.
Program features topical panels, lunch, and dinner banquet with keynote address.
This event will offer Continuing Medical Education units (CME) to those who would like it.
The views represented at the events do not reflect the views of UmmahNow.
Please confirm venue's accuracy by contacting the organizers.